Never trust fire


You think that becoming a firefighter require to be a superhuman, the reality is quite different.


Statistic presents detailed materials on fires, casualties and false alarms attended by fire and rescue services.

Active accidents

The page contains current information about active accidents, refresh the page to ensure current data is presented.

Event request

To request a fire company to be present at a event. Requests must be submitted at two weeks to the date of the event.


To provide information resources in different formats, including books, audio books, pamphlets and DVD’s.

Fire prevention

The precautions to prevent potentially harmful fires, surviving and reducing the damage caused by emergencies.


Join our fire department

Apply here
Inspection Requests
Families saved
Fire Alarm Inspection
Public Meetings

Our call center works 24/7 to save lives: 1-234-567-8910

News & Events

Youth Fire Stop Prevention & Intervention Program

Youth Fire Stop is a program designed to prevent misuse of fire by youth in our community and to educate and intervene when endangerment involving fire occurs. Youth Fire Stop has been streamlined in order to make the program more effective.

view referral form

They Say

Meine Kameraden_innen stehen zu jeder Tages- und Nachtzeit, 24 Stunden, 7 Tage die Woche, 365 Tage im Jahr zum Schutze der Bevölkerung zur Stelle!

Martin Zangl
Martin Zangl Feuerwehrkommandant

Zwei Dinge sind mir bei der Feuerwehr sehr wichtig: Kameradschaft und Tradition

Bernhard Prischink
Bernhard PrischinkFeuerwehrkommandant Stellvertreter

Feuerwehrfrau/-mann ist kein Beruf – es ist eine Berufung, mit dem Hang zum Professionellen!

Franz Roßmann
Franz RoßmannAbschnittsfeuerwehrkommandant außer Dienst

Unser Leitspruch lautet: Alleine ist man stark, Gemeinsam unschlagbar!

Johan Kaufmann jun.
Johann Kaufmann jun. Zugskommandant